Run Training Savage Anywhere WOD

“Rachel’s Run” (13 of 14)

3 Rounds of:

2.5 mile run (Blitz), or 4 mile run (Race), each mile increasing in pace.

At the start of each mile complete the following.

  • 25 Air squats
  • 25 Push ups
  • 25 Lunges
  • 25 Sit-Ups

Aim to maintain a consistent pace for each of the miles, gradually increasing pace with each mile you start. Last mile should end with your fastest pace possible while maintaining the same pace over the entire mile.


Run Training Savage Anywhere WOD

“Let’s Get Savage” Race Simulation (10 of 14)

“This makes my arms feel exactly like they do on race day.” -Chris Stangle

Equipment version:
10 (Race) / 6 (Blitz) Rounds:

  • 800 meter run
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 alternating bicep curls (each side)
  • 10 bent over rows

No equipment version:
10 (Race) / 6 (Blitz) Rounds:

  • 800 meter run
  • 45 seconds low plank
  • 10 odd-object squat cleans
  • 10 odd-object bent over rows

Runfluent provides professional Gait Analysis and customized goal driven run programming at an affordable cost. Contact Chris to learn more, Runfluentcoach [at]


Conditioning Run Training Savage Anywhere WOD

“Strict Nicole” (8 of 14)

This challenge is the same for Race and Blitz challenges.


  • 400 Meter Run
  • Max Strict Pull-Ups

AMRAP 20 (No Equipment Version):


Run Training Savage Anywhere WOD

“Woodsy’s Fartlek Run” (6 of 14)


  • Jog of 10-15min

4 rounds (Blitz), 8 rounds (Race):

  • 3 minute pickups at 10k race pace.
  • 1 min “rest” by slowly jogging or walking.

Cool down:

  • Jog 5-10min

Strength: (not scored)
With a six pack of your favorite beer:

  • Open with authority.
  • 12oz curl (each subsequent curl should reduce at least one ounce).
  • When empty repeat 6 times.


Run Training Savage Anywhere WOD

“Chrissy’s Challenge” (2 of 14)

Chrissy’s Race Challenge:
1 mile warm up run

1 mile, very fast
-20 dumbbell shoulder presses each hand, with weight that will challenge you. (can substitute other heavy object)
-max pull ups to failure

1 mile, very fast
-50 yards backwards bear crawl
-50 yards forward bear crawl
-0.25 mile heavy object carry

1 mile, very fast
-25 burpees
-50 yard heavy carry with heavy object (eg. farmer carries, zercher carry, etc)

1 mile, very fast
-50 pushups
-100 air squats

1 mile cool down, easy jog

Then, do a dead hang challenge. Dead hang as long as possible, immediately after you finish run

Chrissy’s Blitz Challenge:
½ mile warm up run

½ mile, very fast
-15 dumbbell shoulder presses, each hand, with weight that will challenge you. (can substitute other heavy object)
-max pull ups to failure

½ mile, very fast
-50 yards backwards bear crawl
-50 yards forward bear crawl
-0.25 mile heavy object carry

½ mile, very fast
-25 burpees
-50 yard heavy carry with heavy object (eg. farmer carries, zercher carry, etc)

½ mile, very fast
-30 pushups
-60 air squats

1 mile cool down, easy jog

Then, do a dead hang challenge. Dead hang as long as possible, immediately after you finish run.

//Sam’s notes:
You can always substitute walking, walk-running, or rucking if you prefer, Sam uses and recommends GORUCK 20L Rucker and Ruck Plate.
