Conditioning Run Training Savage Anywhere WOD

“Strict Nicole” (8 of 14)

This challenge is the same for Race and Blitz challenges.


  • 400 Meter Run
  • Max Strict Pull-Ups

AMRAP 20 (No Equipment Version):


Conditioning Savage Anywhere WOD

“Uncle Larry” (7 of 14)

With a loaded ruck (30/20#):

  • Go up and down a flight of stairs for 15 minutes.
  • Do one pushup at the bottom of each flight of stairs. (1 push up / 16 stairs)
    • Bonus: 10 weighted push-ups
  • Rest for 3 minutes.

Then, remove your ruck and…

  • 50 yard sprints (25 yd down/back)

½ mile cooldown walk/jog/bike (ruck optional)

//Sam’s notes: If you don’t have access to a flight of stairs do step ups onto a bench, curb, box, stool, or find a very steep hill. Do ruck pushup after every 20 step ups.


Run Training Savage Anywhere WOD

“Woodsy’s Fartlek Run” (6 of 14)


  • Jog of 10-15min

4 rounds (Blitz), 8 rounds (Race):

  • 3 minute pickups at 10k race pace.
  • 1 min “rest” by slowly jogging or walking.

Cool down:

  • Jog 5-10min

Strength: (not scored)
With a six pack of your favorite beer:

  • Open with authority.
  • 12oz curl (each subsequent curl should reduce at least one ounce).
  • When empty repeat 6 times.


Conditioning Savage Anywhere WOD

“SeaWorld” (5 of 14)

This workout is the same for Blitz or Race. The workout lasts 30 minutes, including rest time. On each 5 minute mark start a new round (i.e. 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25) and use remaining time between rounds for rest.

On the 5:00 x 6 Rounds:
10 Alternating Single DB Power CJ
400m Run
100m Single DB Farmer Carry

Workout (No Equipment Version):
On the 5:00 x 6 Rounds:
Wearing Weighted Back Pack(Ruck):
15 Pushups
15m Walking Lunge
400m Run or swift walk

//Sam’s notes: You can use any backpack and weight. I recommend and use GORUCK 20L Rucker and Ruck Plate.


Conditioning Savage Anywhere WOD

“One Leg Wonder” (4 of 14)

Do all exercises in the order shown below. (Footwork + Single Leg + Core) is 1 round.
Do 1 round for Blitz. Do 2 rounds for Race.
Rest as needed. Scale all movements to your ability. Post results to Savage Syndicate (optional).
All of the movements for this workout are explained in the video.

Footwork series:

  • 2 mile run/walk/row/ruck
  • 3 min High Knees
  • 4 min Jump Rope (just do the action without rope if you don’t have one)

Single Leg series:

Do all of these consecutively while standing on one foot, then switch feet and repeat the entire series on the other foot. If you lose balance, just quickly regain and keep going. Try to go through the whole series without letting your second foot touch down!

  • 60s balance with eyes closed
  • 10x calf raise
  • 10x pistol squat (whether its 2” or full deep squat, go as far as you can with max effort)
  • 10x Drinking Bird (single leg toe touch)
  • 10x walkout with pushup
  • 10x calf raise
  • 100x arm circles, 2’ circles

Core Series:

If you have to break and rest, just continue from where you left off.
